The threat Bing Increasingly Real

California - the Bing Threat in Google in overthrowing the unit of the seeker's machine was increasingly seen was real. Because, in the Microsoft report, Bing experienced the rise 8 percent since last June in glide.
"This figure was certainly very important for us." Because this meaning that, whether Bing could meet the wish of the users in using the machine's Microsoft seeker, accused Senior Vice President Online Audience Business Group in Micorsoft Joseph mehdi, like that was quoted by PC World, on Tuesday (14/7/2009 ).
Detailed by Yusuf, the Bing Shopping search experienced in the general rise 5.42 percent. This certainly including moderate because of the hot season now not yet to him during the shopping season. The "hot season not typical high season for the online expenses," he continued.
However, from all that that experienced the increase was most prominent was, Bing Travel. According to the data that was dismissed by Microsoft, the search to travel experienced the jump of the traffic as far as 90 percent.
Although also, 28 percent of the user Bing looked for the key words that were connected with eletronic retail products. "We continued to get ready to the end, my version will be released him." At this time, Bing API has had 11 thousand developers,
When Bing was first introduced, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said that this was not the final version of the Bing. Correct course. Many other features that will be added to Microsoft in the search engine.
One of them is the 'quick add'. This feature allows the search engine Bing collaboration with Microsoft Hotmail email service. In short, the user can directly post hotmail search results in Bing and send email to friends or relatives.
In news via Yahoo Tech News, Friday (10/7/2009), the features' quick add 'positioned exactly on the right side of the display hotmail. One line with other features such as map, restaurant, movie times, images, videos, and business listings. Any feature that is clicked, it will bring you to the search box Bing.
Not only that, the Quick Add allows users to enter the video and pictures from the web without having to go out of Hotmail. Ease this concern should be the biggest search engine in the world, Google. Unfortunately, Microsoft is Bing first to do so. If at any time Google tried to make the same features, this course will dismiss credibility of the search engine Google as the most innovative.
However, Google does not want to lag. If Microsoft is hit via Google to the punch through Google Chrome Bing OS.

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