system one village one product ( OVOP ) Start Developed in garut

The system one village one product (OVOP) in the agribusiness field began to be developed in Kab. Garut. This matter aimed at increasing the level kesejahtaraan the farmer by applying the pattern of the management that was continuous with the concept that put the potential for the area forward.
“consep that was carried by OVOP that is developing the original potential for the area to be able to compete in the global level. Therefore, was needed by the policy platform of the government that took sides to petani,” said Chairman of the International Cooperative Development Fund Training (ICDF) Dr Asep Saefudin".
According to him, the potential size for the area that was owned the area must be matched by the pattern of the policy that took sides with the farmer. He demonstrated the existence of the firmness of the government to pressure the businessman's side or the modern market both the local and foreign businessman who arbitrarily slowed down payment to the farmer.
this caused a clear loss to the farmer's side, because now most uptil capital that was operational was ROLLED money went the farmer, as a result not the rare farmer who was stopping because of his money was not paid yet. Really, there was the farmer that complain about him slow payment by the modern market through to the sending to 20 or 22. This was significant, the farmer that subsidize entrepreneurs, "smoke words.
The OVOP concept must be as efforts to increase its competence, matched with Segmentation of the market. If not, capital and technology that were spent will be thrown away was in vain. "OVOP could cultivate local product competitiveness. Only, the market opportunity for the segment of the product that was produced from the local expertise must also pitch the accommodation so that not futile, "

Chevron Develop project in Garut geothermal

Chevron Texaco Energy Indonesia (CTEI) Ltd as for project to develop new geothermal darajat Garut regency in West Java. CTEI currently has its own geothermal units 3 degrees with a total capacity of the earth steam supply 250 Mega Watt more. Planned geothermal projects darajat this new supply will be used as additional earth for the steam power plants owned by PLN electricity. "We are still negotiating with the matter of price PLN. Geothermal Research is also still in progress. Later known how large capacity steam earth," Head of Public Relations said Government and Chevron Texaco Energy Indonesia Ltd., Irwan Munaf.
He delivered it to provide assistance after the project work overlay Hotmix Panunjuk-Tarogong along 7.1 km on the road Tarogong, Garut in West Java. Meanwhile, at the end of the year 2006 this project is estimated geothermal darajat third property CTEI Ltd completed. Development project itself began in 2004 with the supply capacity of geothermal steam is produced 110 Mega Watt. Value of development projects geothermal steam darajat third of USD 127 Million. "The price of our cheapest price available, only 4.2 cents per kWh it," he said.
Garut regency in West Java alone there are currently 11 point steam heat in the earth that has not maximize. Estimated to supply steam heat earth are very large. Geothermal steam Garut in West Java is 1 / 3 of the supply of geothermal steam across the country. CTEI Ltd has started to build steam geothermal project in Garut West Java since 1984. Build a project with geothermal steam darajat I supply with a capacity of 55 Mega Watt and use of power to PLN. To this CTEI Ltd has donated profits to the state of U.S. $ 2 million every 3 months, or as much as 34 percent of the benefits obtained. "Now era of regional autonomy. We own government to give assistance to the Garut with the value of 10 billion this year," he said.

mandarine's Garut

Garut is one of citrus fruit in indonesia. mandarin oranges (keprok) is the mainstay of the citrus farmers, because this type of citrus planting in suitable areas in Garut. Indonesia has various types of mandarin-quality and potentially fill the domestic demand. Mandarine development program intended for national import substitution and value-added economic development for farmers so that the wheel can be more regional economic centers. Mandarine national development done in a comprehensive support institutions at the central and local government in the form of provision of facilities, support the implementation of GAP / SOP, the development of human resources officers and farmers, agricultural support institutions (associations) and the development of road infrastructure, irrigation and farming.
Since a few years ago the demand for orange keprok (mandarin) continues to increase, which is still marked by the high number imports amounting to 68,535 tons in 2006, mostly from China in addition to Pakistan. The high demand is due to appearance and taste of preferably orange from Siam. On the other hand the availability of mandarin still cause very little fulfillment tangerine comes from imports.

Problems faced in the development of national mandarin are:
  1. Area pertanaman mandarine's still a little on the orange pertanaman Siam, so efforts need to accelerate the expansion area.
  2. The allocation of funds for the expansion area of Directorate General of PLA has not been fully synchronization for the development of tangerine.
  3. The availability of seed / seeds mandarine not sufficient.
  4. Infrastructure perbenihan (Tree parent, block foundation and BPMT) is not fully adequate and a small area that has a facility for the development of tangerine.
  5. Infrastructure, irrigation, roads and facilities usahatani not available with the good
Institutions involved in the development of national mandarin is: Perbenihan Directorate of Horticulture Production and Facilities, Horticulture Protection Directorate, the Directorate General of Horticulture, Center for Horticulture Research and Development Agency, R & D Agriculture, Directorate of Procurement Area, the Directorate of Land Management, Procurement Water Directorate, the Directorate General of Land Management and Water, Directorate of Quality and Standardization, the Directorate General of Processing and Marketing of Agriculture, and Plant Research Center and Orange Sub-tropical fruit.

dodol garut

Dodol Garut is a typical food from the city of Garut in West Java province. There are many types of this dodol Garut, between dodol sesame, dodol pineapple, tomato dodol, dodol durian, chocolate dodol, and many more species. Dodol including snack foods as sweet.
There are lots of shops or stalls, stalls offering dodol as its merchandise. Garut city along the way many vendors selling dodol Garut, especially in the streets as a gateway to other areas around the city of Garut.
People really like the dodol Garut because sweet and distinctive taste that distinguishes dodol's originating from other regions in Indonesia.
Dodol is a kind of food that are categorized in the type of sweet food. To create a high quality dodol difficult enough because pembuatannya a long process and requires expertise. Materials needed to make dodol consisting of coconut, rice flour, sugar, sugar and salt.
In making its stage, the materials are mixed together in a large frying pan and the fire is being cooked.

Dodol who cooked should not be left without supervision, because if left as such, will be burnt.
For further dodol be stirred so that the air bubble-bubble that does not spill out of the frying pan until cooked and dodol is ready to be appointed. Finally, dodol must be cooled in a large pot. To get good results and a sense of sleek, dodol be colored dark brown, shiny and dense. After that, dodol can be cut and eaten. Usually dodol dihidangkan to the guests in the day-to-day as a day of celebration.

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Garut sheep

Basically, the sheep and goats, is a type of cattle that grass eater, both almost evenly spread and there in the world. But when we see the physical carefully so different from the goats and sheep. Body postures sheep tend to be more rounded than the goat that slim. Lobe and long-eared goats. The form of wool are more wavy and curls so that it can be used as a wool wool while another case with goats, which tend straight.
Cattle sheep which have now is a result of 3 types of wild sheep: Sheep Mouflon from Europe and Asia Minor, Argali sheep from Asia and Southeast Asia Urial. This was initially on the sheep in the wild eventually diternakkan by humans.

More valuable commercial
Compared with cattle, pigs, horses and buffalo among animals as cattle, sheep cattle has commercial value since 7SM century. Even the existence of the cattle in Indonesia, the sheep can be seen in relief around 800 BC to the Borobudur Temple. Because it is not surprising that the population far more sheep than the goats in the world.
Food data Agricultural Organization (FAO) in 2002, the number of sheep in the world, the population of around 1,034 billion while the head of a goat, only about 743 million. Largest population of sheep and goats in the country of China Bamboo curtains, where the second largest state in Australia for sheep and goats to India.
As part of the national farm sector, the demand for meat of sheep and goats in Indonesia are still far below the livestock sub-sector, such as chicken / poultry (56%), beef (23%) and pigs (13%). According to the Director General. Livestock - Deptan RI 2005, consumption of meat sheep and goats in the community that is still very low, only about 5%.
However, if the potential needs of meat in livestock is more or less each year about 5.6 million chickens to sacrifice the needs of worship only, and not including the need to supply aqiqah, a restaurant industry to sate sidewalk stalls that require 2 - 3 per head days, the population growth of sheep and goats that are not comparable with the number of requests increased.

Increased market demand
Potential has not yet calculated the market needs in Southeast Asia such as Malaysia and Singapore, and the Middle East each year that require more than 9.3 million sheep tails. Where the needs of the sheep meat supply the Middle East region is still fulfilled by the Australia and New Zealand.
Miris indeed, in which India as a country with a population of people in the Muslim world have the opportunity to do so. The growth of sheep and goat population in India is relatively small while the demand continues to increase more than the number of residents and improve the welfare of the community income.
Akan may not occur if the scarcity of meat production of sheep and goats so that the sacrifice of worship will be imported from Australia or New Zealand. In Indonesia, the presence of sheep and goat population is almost evenly spread across the region. Unfortunately, maintenance of cattle sheep and goats in this country are mostly still in small scale and traditional.
Unlike the Australians, the pattern with the support of intensive agricultural technology has made the country can produce large-scale production and quality of sheep. Just imagine, the total Australian lamb exports to the country of Saudi Arabia in 2006 was equivalent to 3.6 million head.
Population of cattle sheep and goats on the end of the year 2006 in the province of West Java area, namely around 3.5 million head or about 49% of the national population. In this province, even the type of cattle that are owned by small ruminansia plasma and sperm become characteristic of the province known as the nickname Parahyangan this earth.

Garut sheep, the sheep in the world's most rare
Garut sheep, Ovies Aries, is the result of 3 family crossing the nation sheep: Merino - Australia, Kaapstad from Africa and Java in Indonesia Ekor fat. Java Ekor fat sheep have already long since as the type of local sheep, Merino sheep brought by Dutch traders to India, while the sheep Kaapstad Arab traders brought to the land of Java around the 19th century.
Garut sheep is a type of tropical sheep is proliflic that can be delivered more than two (2) tails in 1 cycle of birth. Where in the period of 1 year, Garut Lamb can experience the birth of 2 cycles. Sheep have a weight average in the top of the other Indonesian local sheep.
Rams can have a weight of about 60 - 80 kg even have a reach of more than 100 kg. Meanwhile, sheep have many women in between 30 - 50 kg. Physical characteristics, namely men's Garut sheep horns, big and strong neck, with white, black, brown or a combination of the three. Female sheep horn is not dominant, but even a small horn with a similar color pattern Rams.
Garut sheep is the sperm plasma terlangka postures in the world because that is almost like a cattle Bison in the United States. Garut sheep population in India, of course, is in the West Java Province with the location of the spread, including: Garut, Majalengka, Kuningan, Cianjur, Sukabumi, Tasikmalaya, Bandung, Sumedang, Indramayu and Purwakarta.
Perhaps some of the sheep cattle almost identical Garut Lamb complaint with the boast that compete in the stunt arena. Garut sheep are exotic animals. Indeed, right up to the public at this time in the province of West Java are still compete stunt like sheep, but it needs to be straightened with the stunt arena that is now not to fight 2 Rams head to the point of blood efflux.

Changes have been made by farmers' organizations Sheep Goat Association of Indonesia (HPDKI) which is currently led by Drs. H.A.M Sampurna, MM. as general chairman and Drs. H. Rukmana Act as chairman of West Java province. Arena compete more speed at this time into the arena of art and culture in the bertemunya among breeders, penghobi, show room, transaction quality seeds sheep and tourism.
Some names, such as kang Ibing, puppeteer Asep Sunarya is a name that is known as the owner and Garut Lamb penghobi quality. Hobbies keep livestock Garut Lamb guaranteed not less kepuasannya akan keeping with other types of animals such as cats, fish, and so forth.

Hat's western boots up
Satisfaction when the horn sheep and Garut male can grow to the maximum or the beauty of color and marking produced. Boots, cowboy hat, black clothing is characteristic penghobi arena when it comes to art and culture compete dexterity. And do not wrong, the price of 1 head of cattle sheep Garut quality males can penghobi valued above 10 million rupiah even hundreds of million rupiah.
But that should be feared at this time is Garut sheep populations shrink further and the quality can be endangered in the back that is rich with nature profilik also. Lack of serious attention to the business sector of the population Garut Lamb superior found quite difficult. And this also makes livestock Garut Lamb needs to victims of worship more expensive. As disclosed by Drh. Zulkifli Abdul-Jabbar as the Secretary General of the sheep farmers Goat Association of Indonesia (HPDKI) in discussion with the author has not been this long.
This condition is of course be pitied, especially when we know the economic potential of cattle Garut sheep is not only synonymous with complaints sheep, sheep meat quality Garut also has nutritional value that is quite good compared to the goats to meet the consumption needs of the community. In addition, not only to use only the meat, skin Garut Sheep can become raw material for making high-quality jacket.
2005 data obtained from the website Garut district, based on industry standards Garut sheep leather jacket can absorb labor force in 2656 with export value of Rp. 84.7 billion to various destination countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, Taiwan and Australia. Garut sheep cattle dung can provide benefits and value of benefits if treated as the making of organic fertilizer materials.
From the results of the research conducted, burly plant needs can be met in the provision of organic fertilizer with the results of the fermentation of the raw material of sheep dung is very useful for improving agricultural production.
A graduate of Japan's main researchers from Central Crops Research and medicine Aromatika - Bogor, Dr. Ir. Mesak Tombe, at this time to find the technology that already have patents to improve the quality of organic fertilizer produced from cattle dung, technology, called Bio Triba. Packed in the form of a liquid formula with the actual microorganisms B. Pantotkenticus strain J2 and T. Lactae strain TB1.
Technology has found Dr. Ir. Mesak Tombe very helpful in the process of maturation of cattle dung into organic fertilizer period between 1 - 2 weeks.

Livestock sector Business Options
Not only that, this technology can also be applied on organic waste processing market and the household. The benefits of this technology can also play a role as a bio-fungicide to control plant diseases. Is appropriate when the business sector of agriculture and livestock to be with each other.
Especially at this time farmers in the difficult position of increased production costs due to the price of fertilizer, which continues to rebound, on the other hand the desire of the farmers can not raise prices so that more low income earnings. Terbesit idea to combine livestock with Garut Lamb freshwater fisheries sector. Design corral sheep on the stage that consists of a swimming fish.
Local market segmentation, Garut sheep have the potential multi-user market. As presented by the Director of the Ramada Eka Agro Rama as the company's agribusiness concern in the business of cattle and sheep Garut organic agriculture. And this makes the cattle Garut Lamb worthy to be developed as an option in the livestock sector.
The biggest potential market is the first Garut Sheep livestock to meet the needs annual sacrifice of worship. Then follow the needs of both daily meat consumption of households, restaurants and cafes sate. Next is a aqiqah needs, and the last one is always looking for seeds penghobi Garut Lamb male winner.
Dr explanation. Ismeth Inounu, major field of research and genetic pemuliaan Center of Research and Development of Animal Husbandry (Puslitbangnak - Deptan RI), the visit to the location of the sheep farm Eka Agro Rama Garut, Bandung regency, West Java province in April, the government at this time to give serious attention the business sector for the development and multiplication of cattle sheep and goats, among others, Garut Lamb.
Not only pure groove pemuliaan program to restore the best quality livestock Garut sheep, but sheep composite development program to be able to produce offspring or seed a new winner also active to do. Berbagaimacam the invention of technology-related reproductive cattle sheep continue to be developed to facilitate efforts to improve production and quality of sheep, for example technology and hormonal laserpuntur needle that will be very useful for synchronizing birahi marriage and bulk.
The success of local lamb with Sumatra sheep and St Croix Island virgins barbados sheep and sheep with the sheep Garut sheep and Moulton St. Croix from France, is a joint development of the sheep was successfully performed by Puslitbangnak - RI Deptan application of the invention of technologies.
Not limited only to the location of livestock in Eka Agro Rama has also been successful development of composite sheep Garut Sheep Suffolk Sheep female with pejantan from the UK, and Garut female sheep with Merino pejantan - Australia has a quality far better akan Anakan so that they can meet the needs of meat consumption . Nature Yanuardi is as Director of Operations with the hands dinginnya successfully run the program development is a composite sheep.
In cattle and sheep business Garut Eka Agro Rama does not move itself. With the potential to penetrate the local market opportunities and a world that is still quite large. Dirintis joint effort from upstream to downstream sectors to achieve the desired business cattle. One partner is always working to help Eka Agro Rama in business development, among others, is Kampoeng Livestock - Wallet Dhua'fa Republika. The existence of Kampoeng Livestock - Wallet Dhua'fa Republika must diacungi thumbs in the development of livestock sub-sector in Indonesia, sheep goat.
Tebar Animal Sacrifice and 1000 Aqiqah being carried by livestock Kampoeng not only aims to promote the business of cattle sheep and goats in Indonesia, but also aims to help the poor in sheep meat consumption needs. As described Purnomo, Director of SPT as Kampoeng Livestock - Wallet Dhua'fa Republika. Eka Agro Rama own more focus at this time engaged in the business and the multiplication of Garut sheep. Garut sheep provision needs to sacrifice quality, aqiqah, with restaurants and cafés to sate pavement We are a dream, said Agus Ramada.
Invite a foreign country
With the stock Garut sheep population that is limited because many farmers were reluctant to membibitkan sheep, Eka Agro Rama apply belt system with the sale of offshore sapih Garut sheep. Garut sheep is a female superior engine production in the livestock business is run. But of course this is a business that requires the cooperation with various parties, both in production and marketing.
May not always Eka Agro Rama add capacity to the cage area is limited. The role of community organizations (HPDKI) here have a great contribution to map and develop potential in the existing network of more production can be directed to-door marketing are available. Eka Agro Rama through training activities that are held together Agromania and also Kampoeng Livestock akan always looking for breeder-breeder interested in new business development Garut sheep.
Not only training, technical assistance and guidance of cultivation and marketing access doors are also an important part of the post-training activities. Where should dirangkul as well as the media public information program soundingsetiap farm owned business, Agus Ramada firm. Puslitbangnak the role of space-space with livestock and the local provincial office as a base also can not be ignored, this is necessary so that breeders will not be blind to the application of technology.
Of course, not a small state foreign exchange income that can be obtained from the business management of intensive livestock Garut sheep. Especially with the market potential needs of meat sheep in the Middle East region as much as 30 thousand head per week. Does not work a light, easy and, of course, but it can be business opportunities that promise if we want to start thinking and move towards it. Long journey begins with small steps. Salam Sehat sheep farmers!

natural beauty of Garut

Garut (Dutch: Garoet) is one of the regencies in Indonesia's southern West Java province. Its area is 3,065.19 km² (1,183.48 mi²). Geographically, it lies between 6°57′34″ – 7°44′57″ South latitude and 107°24′34″ – 108°7′34″ East longitude. It is bordered by:

- Eastern side: Tasikmalaya Regency

- Western side: Cianjur and Bandung Regency

- Northern side: Sumedang Regency

- Southern side: Indian Ocean

In general, Garut has a cool but tropical climate, with an average temperature of 24°C (76°F). Average annual rainfall is 2,590 mm (102 inches). This area includes valley territory surrounded by volcanoes (Mount Karacak: 1,838 m, Mount Cikuray: 2,821 m, Mount Guntur: 2,249 m, Mount Papandayan: 2,622 m) on the northern side, with average heights of 700–750 m above sea level. Streams of solidified lava are present on their slopes.

On March 2, 1811, the Balubur Limbangan Regency was defeated by Governor General Herman W. Daendels (of the Dutch Colonial Army), and Regent Tumenggung Wangsakusumah II resigned. Balubur Limbangan Regency comprised 6 sub-districts: Balubur, Malangbong, Wanaraja, Wanakerta, Cibeureum and Papandak.

On February 16, 1813, a new Limbangan Regency was founded by Lt. Governor Thomas S. Raffles which became Garut Regency. RAA. Adiwijaya was the first Regent of Garut Regency. He governed from 1813 until 1821. He was well-known for his call of Dalem Cipeujeuh.

Administratively, Garut regency consists of 42 sub-districts and 419 rural districts with 2,173,623 people (51% male, 49% female). Garut constitutes the buffer land and hinterland for the development of Bandung Raja's territory. It has a strategic position and acts as the supplier for the needs of Bandung municipality and regency's populations.

Based on topology, Garut Regency is divided into two territories:

- Northern Garut consists of highlands which constitute the largest rice fields in Garut

- Southern Garut mostly consists of sloping land and twelve rivers which flow south, emptying into the Indian Ocean

Tourist resorts are present in Garut Regency, popular not only for coastal panorama and the sea but also because of craters and waterfalls. Lakes and a hot springs, supported by fresh, cool air, are much enjoyed by local tourist and foreign tourists. No wonder the Garut Regency was called "Swiss Van Java" in the Dutch Colonial Period.

Land fertility varies greatly because of influence by mountains, rivers and coastal lowlands. As a result, agricultural businesses are primarily plantation-based, as well as subsistence farming and animal husbandry, followed by forest resources.

Some known products from Garut are:

- Garut Orange fruits (Jeruk Garut)

- Garut Lamb (Domba Garut)

- Dodol Garut (a snack)

- Vetiver Root Oil (Andropogon zizanioides)

- Batik Tulis Garutan (hand painted clothes)

- Silk clothes

- Gemstones

- Leather crafts

- Bamboo crafts